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Weekly Blog to keep you up to date on what we are doing in PE class!

 Weekly Blog














See Newsletter for weekly updated at home PE





Dear Sunny Hills Families,


Welcome back to Sunny Hills! I know I love and enjoy working here because it is truly a great place to be. I hope all of your kids have that same experience and feeling when they go to school here. The first few weeks have been about get to know you games, team building activities and going over all of our PE rules that keep us safe and having fun! I love feedback and comments from parents so if you ever have questions or just want to know more about PE always feel free to come and talk to me or shoot me and e-mail! Thanks so much!




Mr. Smith






Dear Sunny Hills Families,


The school year is off and running and it has been a blast so far! We have worked on some really important skills and have been focused on team/group expectations in our games. We have practiced our locomotor skills and learned some great new exercises these past couple weeks. Our kids are keeping a positive mindset and doing a fantastic job understanding and practicing a growth mindset. Teaching our kids to strive to get better and improve without worrying about the results or comparing to others has been a topic and focus for us this month. It has been a great start and I hope all the kids are really seeing the joy in fitness!





Mr. Smith







Dear Sunny Hills Families,


The rain has not stopped us from getting to the gym and having an awesome time at PE so far! We our having fun with our last week of a quick throwing unit. We are going over some of the simple and easy to remember cues to make us successful throwers. Some of the fun games we have been doing that have given us a chance to practice our skills are Aliens vs Astronauts and Sink the Ship! The kiddos love these games and giving them a chance to have fun and challenge themselves with their peers has been a great experience!




Mr. Smith







Dear Sunny Hills Families,


We began our parachute unit this week! This is always a favorite unit for many of our kiddos. I love the opportunities it provides for teamwork and cooperation. This is why each class will have a target goal on how we can can find ways to help others out to teach us to have team success. Parachute games are most fun and work best when everyone listens and contributes so it is a great unit to focus on these key life skills. There are many different and creative ways to use the parachute to teach these skills and giving everyone a chance to work together successfully is the goal! I am very proud of the progress we are making.




Mr. Smith






Dear Sunny Hills Families,


I hope everyone had a fantastic break and enjoyed some rest and relaxation. I am grateful and thankful for working at such a fantastic school with great kiddos. We are getting back into the swing of things with some food and fitness games! We are going over the importance of the MyPlate and what goes into a healthy plate. Fruits, Veggies, Grains and Protein are our four main food groups that kids are learning about. We have some great games and activities to incorporate a healthy plate and lifestyle! 




Mr. Smith






Dear Sunny Hills Families,


Welcome back from a nice long break! It is great to get back in the gym and work with the kiddos! The next unit for PE is Jump Rope. Jumping rope is brand new to many kids but also very familiar to others. This is why we start with the basics and give everyone a chance to learn the basics. Seeing the younger kiddos learn to jump rope is so rewarding and worth all the hard work that they put in. We will start with individual jumps and then work up from there. I hope everyone is happy to be back and all the kiddos are enjoying PE and learning to have a love of health and fitness!




Mr. Smith 







Dear Sunny Hills Families,


Another short week! We are back on regular times and a regular schedule this week. I know we had many kids miss PE time last week. It is nice to have everyone back to get back to progressing through our Jump Rope. We like to spend a lot of time working on jump rope because it teaches us so many great skills and lessons. For us that are new to jump rope it takes a lot of patience and practice. Getting to see how happy and proud our kiddos get once they have worked hard and pushed through to really get the hang out jump rope is awesome! Can't wait to see us keep learning and growing this year! We always make sure growth, effort, and attitude are the focus for PE! Thank you everyone for the support you all give.




Mr. Smith 







Dear Sunny Hills Families,


Our schedule has been kind of crazy with all the late starts we have had last week. I missed a lot of the morning PE classes last week. We will be finishing up our last week of jump rope before break. With all the days off and the floods it was hard to get as much time spent on jump rope as we usually do. With that being said, the progress being made has been awesome to see and we have grown so much since we first started! I hope everyone has a wonderful winter break! 




Mr. Smith






Dear Sunny Hills Families,


I hope everyone had a great mid-winter break! Hopefully we can get back to a more consistent schedule now. We finished up jump rope and some tagging games and are moving into basketball next week. This week we are playing food group games and reviewing what a healthy MYplate looks like. As we move into basketball we will be learning some of the basics of dribbling and passing. A major focus at the end of the unit will be how we work together as a team!




Mr. Smith



See Newsletter for weekly updated at home PE



















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